Cast of "Save the Country"

The Cast for the reading of “SAVE THE COUNTRY” How Belle Fligelman and Jeannette Rankin Changed the World  will be Allyson Adams, Amber Rose Mason and John Hosking. November 1, 2016 at 6pm at the Bozeman Public Library, Bozeman, Montana.
Jeannette Rankin is read by the playwright Allyson Adams.
Jeannette Rankin is read by the playwright Allyson Adams.
Amber Rose Mason is reading the part of Belle Fligelman.
Wellington Rankin will be played by John Hosking.

   “Save the Country” is a emotional triangle during the three year period between Montana’s Suffrage victory and Rankin’s first No vote. The play delves into the relationship between Jeannette and her remarkable campaign manager, Belle Fligelman. “the woman behind the woman,” and Wellington, Jeannette’s Harvard educated brother and financier. PREMIER READING on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 6pm, BOZEMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY, Bozeman, Montana. Come celebrate Jeannette Rankin’s 100 Anniversary!Visit